What's up Lore Masters,
This is my defunct Dominion War list. I brought it altogether for everyone to see. I'll be doing a way, /way/ better series hopefully starting next week.. You can also see how much I sucked int he past.
Want More Lore?!
Star Trek Lore: https://goo.gl/McF2i5
Star Wars Lore: https://goo.gl/Hzyrk2
Battle Star Galactica Lore: https://goo.gl/jpPPUY
Star Trek Dominion War: https://goo.gl/fmwtPf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoreReloaded
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Lorereloaded
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LoreReloaded
Come Hang out while I play..
Mixer: https://goo.gl/YhgNiE
Twitch: https://goo.gl/kiVw8w
Citations! These are my most often used resources:
Memory Alpha: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/
Trekyards: https://www.youtube.com/user/knightstalker666
Spacedock: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjaAUlTZRHJapJmCT6eyIg
Ex Astria Scientia - http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/scans/miranda1.htm
The music in this video is licensed Royalty Free.
Music by:
© 2017 Epidemic Sound