蘇媽食譜 | 蝦醬蒸豬肉 | 快手惹味開胃 | Steamed Pork Belly with Shrimp Sauce | Udang Saus Babi Kukus | EN & INDO cc
Steam pork belly with shrimp sauce and ginger is really appetizing. The ingredients are simple too.
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材料/ Ingredients:
五花腩 400克 Pork Belly 400g
薑 幾片 Ginger few pieces
胡椒粉 少許 Pepper a little
油 1茶匙 Oil 1 tsp
生粉 1湯匙 Starch 1 tbsp
糖 1湯匙 Sugar 1 tbsp
燒酒 1茶匙 Cooking Wine 1tsp
蝦醬 1湯匙 Shrimp Sauce 1tbsp
水 1湯匙 Water 1 tbsp
蔥 少許 Green Onion A little
#蝦醬蒸豬肉 #快煮 #蘇媽 #蘇樺偉媽媽 #家常菜 #食譜 #烹飪 #易煮
#SteamedPorkBellywithShrimpSauce #AsianDish #ChineseDish #SoMa #HomeMadeDish #Recipe #Cook #EasyRecipe
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