Morning spent chasing Grid 56049 on the Total Colas - Ribble Rail Oil Tanker empties moves starting with the last ever tanks arrival across Strand Road.
We then follow the 56 to the sidings on Preston Docks to run around the freight with the Ribble Rail Sentinel doing some shunting too before departure of the Grid with a different tank set then back across the level crossing.
With the train scheduled to be at the next location in the same time as it would take us to get there we chase it over to Blackburn to see if we can catch it going up the bank! The train was then heading to Eastriggs M.O.D. for storage of the tankers.
Grand morning out and good to see fellow enthusiast Luke aka Francis up in the Northwest again enjoying some Class 56 action! No tandem today sadly but a spot of running down the road like us for more shots as you’ll see. Is running with a camera an official sport yet?
Location 1 - Strand Road, Preston
Location 2 - Colas Ribble Rail Sidings, Preston
Location 3 - Brownhill, Blackburn
Apparently the last tankers are due to leave next month so if you fancy a trip to Preston to catch it we’ll do our best to keep you posted!
Like, subscribe and enjoy the video, all filmed on iPhone 12 mini 📸 Leave a comment too if you watched to the end!
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