The literal trial of the Japanese lover of the strange and grotesque (literally).
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Tatsuhiko Shibusawa was a walking encyclopedia of horrors. He enjoyed shocking with the horrors of the body and mind. He writing was based on trinkets of superstition and surrealism. All things Shibusawa collected: folklore, forgotten monsters, crimes, and obscenity. Ironically, it was nothing Shibusawa wrote that got him put on trial, but what he translated. It was Shibusawa's skill in French and his penchant for poetic flourishes that resulted in a prolonged obscenity trial through the Japanese courts. He was a skilled enough writer that one of the judges on the Japanese Supreme Court complimented his skills while handing down his sentence. Shibusawa's appearances on newspaper and TV solidified his public image: sunglasses, pipe, and an almost vampiric appearance. There was something unnerving about Shibusawa, an obsession with beauty and death, the dangers of a fallen aristocrat...
Shibusawa though was responsible for introducing sensational French literature to his era of Japanese literature. The Marquis de Sade most infamously, but others such as André Breton and Antonin Artaud. Shibusawa counted among his friends and contemporaries author Yukio Mishima, artist Yokoo Tadanori, and avant garde dancer Tatsumi Hijikata. Shibusawa himself was a dandy, perhaps a Don Juan of nightmares. His obsessions often unnerving and intended to shake the emotions of the reader. He relished blood and roses, bugs and beauty, tradition and revolution. His books retained titles like "The Cosmos Record of Dream", "Notebook of Secret Societies", and "The Sleeping Princess".
So easily do dreams of decadence shift to nightmares.
#TatsuhikoShibusawa - #japan - #horrorliterature
- Intro Animation by Scott Luís Masson/SLM Illustration: / Instagram: / Facebook: Intro Music by Ben Elliott:
Video Sources (Support the creators/uploaders):
Yutaka Minobe (Rule of Rose OST) - "Ambient Music for Strings - Unpleasant" (00:00-03:10)
Ben Elliot - "Midnight Dream Oil" (03:10-03:26)
Yutaka Minobe (Rule of Rose OST) - "Ressentiment" (03:26-05:58)
Jack Wall (Myst III OST) - "Atrus' Study" (05:58-08:34)
Koji Ueno (Gadget: Past as Future OST) - "Tranquility" (08:34-12:34)
Jack Wall (Myst III OST) - "The Spider Spinner" (12:24-14:39)
Koji Ueno (Gadget: Past as Future OST) - "A Recollection of the Future" (14:39-17:03)
Jack Wall (Myst III OST) - "The Airship Chasm" (17:03-20:00)
Jack Wall (Myst III OST) - "Theme from Edanna" (20:00-23:08)
Jack Wall (Myst III OST) - "Opening Titles" (23:08-24:17)
Koji Ueno (Gadget: Past as Future OST) - "A Recollection of the Future" (24:17-27:39)
Jack Wall (Myst III OST) - "Deadwood Ridge" (27:39-29:45)
Jack Wall (Myst III OST) - "Going Home" (29:45-30:36)
Kazuhiko Kato (Alice: An Interactive Museum OST) - "Alice: An Interactive Museum OST" (30:36-31:44)
Ben Elliot - "Journey To Paris" (31:48-32:20)
All copyrighted media, images, and music respective owner(s).
The Cosmos Record of Thanks For Watching