We visited Korea’s largest meat market in Majang-Dong, Seoul! We were lucky enough to get an inside look at a Hanoo butcher shop while they prepared the highest grade of beef in Korea (hanoo 1++). Watch the butchers prepare the meat, and package it to ship to many restaurants throughout Korea. Then, we explored the market, and found some 1++ Hanoo beef to enjoy for lunch.
This day was like a dream come true for me, and I can’t believe I got to experience something like this. I need to say thank you again to @정육왕 MeatCreator for taking me along with him.
Please, check out @정육왕 MeatCreator and his YouTube channel. He is an expert on all things Korean BBQ, and a professional butcher in Korea. Please, support his channel, and learn everything there is to know about meat quality and great restaurants.
정육왕 MeatCreator’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1oXmhvYHVI2bApphh3IzuQ
Follow us on Instagram: Instagram.com/eatingwhatisgiven
Info on Majang Market: https://store.naver.com/attractions/detail?entry=plt&id=13304332&query=%EB%A7%88%EC%9E%A5%EC%B6%95%EC%82%B0%EB%AC%BC%EC%8B%9C%EC%9E%A5
#eatingwhatisgiven #맛집탐방 #한우