🐸 🎟️ COME SEE US ON TOUR!: https://www.x1entertainment.com/thecomebacktour
My girl friend, Regina snuck onto my secret flight to Indiana to help protect me from a Stalker. I think she's lying though! Anyway - be prepared with tons of Raniel moments LOL. We're not DATING tho! I ain't no boyfriend or crush or lover!
✪ INSTA: @danieltoads https://www.instagram.com/danieltoads
♬ MUSIC CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/danielferri
✉ BUISNESS CONTACT: ronit@cohntalent.com
Melvin & Dane: https://www.youtube.com/@MelvinDane
Regina & Daniela: https://www.youtube.com/@reginandaniela
Andrew Vasquez: https://www.youtube.com/@andrewvasquezz