Batman has had more theatrical adaptations than any other DC Comics character, but we've reached a point where most recent portrayals focus on street-level, 'realistic' takes that shy away from the more fantastical elements of his mythos. Whether it's Bat-Family characters like Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl, or Damian Wayne, recent films have only focused on an early-career Batman. Case in point: The Dark Knight Trilogy and Matt Reeves' The Batman. However, James Gunn's DCU will mark the first time in over twenty years that Robin will return to the big screen. We did see a somewhat fantastical Batman in the DCEU/Zack Snyder universe, where he fought alongside the Justice League, but that was short-lived. There's so much potential in exploring Batman's interactions with Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Green Lantern. Some of the best adaptations that successfully incorporate Batman's fantastical elements include the Batman: Arkham games and the DC Animated Movie Universe (DCAMU).
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