साउथ-वेस्ट (नैऋत्य कोण) की किचन-भयंकर वास्तुदोष नहीं रहेगा Tip, Kitchen Vastu Remedy, Kitchen Remedy
ठोस रेमेडी-नैऋत्य कोण की किचन की-Let us discuss Vastu tips for kitchen remedies includes kitchen vastu remedy and vastu for kitchen remedies because kitchen remedy is essential topic in Vastu Shastra. So best vastu remedies for kitchen or vastu remedy for kitchen should be known. vastu for kitchen remedy are defined in this youtube video in Hindi so thast remedy for kitchen vastu dosh may be removed from the kitchen. Vastu for home includes vastu remedy of kitchen in such a way that there are hardly any chances tio do demolition. Hence Dr. Anand Bhardwaj defined best kitchen direction vastu and vastu kitchen remedies if it is in negative direction of south-west. Remove Kitchen Vastu Defect with simple ways is very easy. बिना तोड़फोड़ के वास्तुदोष निवारण-आसान सा उपाय Vastu tips for kitchen remedies are very common but the remedy should be without any cost or with less cost because if Vastu defects in kitchen is making Vastu flaw & needs Vastu cures to remove Vastu defect in South West direction then it is very essential for you to remove the Vastu negativity from your kitchen if that is located in negative direction says Dr. Anand Bhardwaj who is such a vast consultant who deals in Vastu correction without demolition and he always talks about scientific Vastu and he defines remedy for kitchen in North East remedy for kitchen and South West remedy in kitchen in South East and remedy for kitchen in North West but one should remember that if the kitchen is located in the South East direction or North West direction then there is no need to do any remedy or any correction inside the kitchen but take care get the gas to or LPG stove or gas burner should be in the east direction and the water should be on the north side or North East of the kitchen on ‘L’ shaped platform so that the perfect Vastu may be followed says Dr. Anand Bhardwaj. Vastu remedy also includes the remedy for kitchen in South West direction or West South direction even in the corner of West or in the corner of South or South direction or West direction the kitchen is not considered as very positive kitchen as per Vastu shastra and one should take care when he is going to make any kitchen that the kitchen should be located in the South East direction and the face of the ladies or cooking person should be in the east direction and the colour of the slab inside the kitchen or in the counter should not be black. Yes, you can have green colour on the slab white colour yellow colour cream colour brown colour red colour are OK but never use red colour on all the walls otherwise it may induce too much fire element. Dr.Anand Bhardwaj is such a Vastu consultant who deals in scientific Vastu and he always defines everything with the help of science and remedies are very simple whatever is told by him and he gives always very simple remedies so that everybody can do without any expenses and his all parameters are feasible and viable. South West or West South or South or West which is not considered as the good kitchen in Vastu shastra. Dr Bhardwaj one of the best Vastu consultant talks scientific and logical. Thank you
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