#evchargingstation #chargingstations #electriccar #evtelugu #electriccarcharging
Tirupatiలో భారీ EV Charging Station😱 | ఒకేసారి 13 కార్ల Capacity... | Electrik Mobility Charging Hub | EV Telugu | Charging Stations in Tirupati | EV Charging Stations In AP | Electric Car Charging | 240 Kw DC Fast Charger | EV Charging Stations On Highways | EV Chargers
📍Address :
E-Mobility Charging Station, Tiruchanur, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh 517503
📌Location : https://maps.app.goo.gl/FW7Zx6HwXEVM6V5w9
📞Contact : 8876 111 555
🚗✨ Say Goodbye to Range Anxiety at Tirupati! ✨🚗
Tirupati trip on electric car now made easy. Introducing Electrik Mobility EV Charging Hub, one of the biggest charging station hub in both telugu states. People travelling from Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, or Vijayawada to Tirupati can now stop at Electrik Mobility EV Charging Hub and charge up while enjoying the comforts of modern facilities. Here's what you can expect at Electrik Mobility:
*Three 60kW DC Fast Charging Stations 🚀
*One 240kW DC Fast Charger ⚡
*Five 7.5kW AC Slow Chargers ⏳
*Three 16 Amps Charging Sockets For Electric Scooters, Bikes & Autos
👉Checkout Hyderabad to Tirupati in Electric Car : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCHT9J-rF3o&t=1060s
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Timestamps :
00:00 EV Charging Station in Tirupati
01:46 Electric Mobility EV Charging Hub
02:24 Tirupati Trip By Electric Car
03:10 Electric Scooter Charging Station
03:45 Electric Auto Charging Station
04:23 AC Chargers in Tirupati
05:19 240 Kw DC Fast Chargers in Tirupati
06:05 30 Kw DC Fast Chargers in Tirupati
07:11 Biggest EV Charging Station
07:50 EV Charging Station in Chittor
08:02 Electric Car Charging With Solar
09:29 E-Mobility Charging Station
10:15 EV Car Charging Price
10:36 EV Charging Stations On Highways
12:16 Amenities AT EV Charging Stations
13:20 Ather Fast Chargers in Tirupati
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If you are looking to share your electric vehicle usage experience to our community, please complete the below google form. Our team will approach you.
మీరు వాహన యాజమాన్యం / కస్టమర్ సమీక్షను అందించాలని చూస్తున్నట్లయితే, దయచేసి ఫారమ్ను పూర్తి చేయండి. మా బృందం మిమ్మల్ని సంప్రదిస్తుంది.
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Video Presenter: Aditya (Adithya )
Video Owned By: ElectricVehicles.in , #1 Electric Vehicles Evangelist of India
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Video Tags :
Hyderabad to Tirupati on Electric Car
Tirupati to Hyderabad on Electric Car
Charging Stations on NH65
Charging Stations on Tirupati Highway
Charging Stations on Hyderabad Highway
Charging Stations in
Charging Stations in Jadcherla
Charging stations in Tirupati
Charging Station in Kurnool
Charging Station in Kadapa
Charging Station in Telangana
Charging Stations in Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad to Tirupari Electric Car
Chennai to Tirupari Electric Car
Vijayawada to Tirupari Electric Car
Bengaluru to Tirupari Electric Car
Tirupari to Hyderabad Electric Car
Tirupari to Vijayawada Electric Car
Tirupari to Chennai Electric Car
Tirupari to Bengaluru Electric Car
EV Fast Charging Stations
EV charging Hub
Fast Chargers
EV fast chargers
Charging Stations telugu
How to use a Ev Charging Station
EV charging Telugu
Tata Power Charging station
Joule point charging station
EV Charging
Voltran Charging Station
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