🎨 Paint Beyond the Photo! Unlock Hidden Colors ✨
In this lesson, I’ll be sharing my top tips and techniques for one of the most common questions I receive:
"How do you paint colors that aren’t in the reference?"
The truth is—you don’t have to be a slave to your reference photo! I’ll show you how to bring life, vibrancy, and artistic freedom into your paintings by enhancing colors in creative ways. These tips will give you an easy method to jazz up color in your own artistic creations. 🎨✨
Enjoy the demonstration, and I'm looking forward to seeing your creations!
💡 Let me know in the comments—have you experimented with adding unexpected color to your paintings? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Happy painting! 🎨💛
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Reference Image from Unsplash.com: https://unsplash.com/photos/green-grass-surrounded-by-trees-aLxqnaKgS9A
Products in This Lesson:
Canson Velvet (dark gray) / you can buy in sheets or pads:
Prismacolor Nupastels: https://shrsl.com/4uj01
Paul Rubens 96 Set: https://amzn.to/41inl4M
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