本曲為2009年國樂創作發表會委託創作之作品,同年8月中旬在泰國蘇梅島(Koh Samui)完成。創作中加入20世紀現代作曲手法及流行音樂元素,希望給予聽眾現代與傳統融合後和諧與衝擊並存之感受,藉此提醒人們在安樂生活中減少對環境的破壞,也不要輕忽大自然反撲的警訊。謹以此曲獻給所有在八八水災中失去家園或生命的人們。
時間|2022.1.14 (五) 19:30
♪指 揮:周聖文
♪演 出:臺灣國樂團
♪古 箏:陳雅筠
"Erhu Concerto No. 6 : Ode to Mountains and Rivers" Composed by Kuan Nai-Chung
This concerto is about cities and centered on the concept of urbanization. It describes the emergence and the development of human civilization. Many amenities and conveniences in civilized life come at irrecoverable damages to the planet earth. The development of cities opens the door to limitless greed and fulfilments, but mankind will pay the price for it. After the Typhoon Morakot Flooding in 2009, Taiwan learned the hazards and costs of overdevelopment from this bitter lesson. More importantly, we should realize that our damage to planet earth are continuing. The best we can possibly do now is to mitigate the speed of destruction.
This concerto was written under the commission in 2009 for Chinese Music Composition Concert and completed in the middle of August in Koh Samui in Thailand during the same year. The composition incorporates modern techniques and pop music elements of the 20th century, aiming to create a sense of coexistence of harmony and collision for the audience by integrating modernity and tradition. It serves as a reminder of how people may reduce environmental destruction when living a life of comfort and should not ignore nature’s warning signs. This concerto is dedicated to those who have lost their homes and lives to the Typhoon Morakot Flood.
♪Conductor: Chou Sheng-Wen
♪Guzheng: Chen Ya-Yun
♪Performance: National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO)
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