Full Frontal Investigation
Was exposing David E. Taylor, Michelle Brannon and the JMMI & KOGGC cult. The depositions that were released in 2017 show the tip of the iceberg of Davids’ scam & lies. He has used lies to manipulate people into giving him millions of dollars. He claims to this day that he sees and speaks to God on a daily basis. David also claims he has healed cancer, brought the dead to life, healed severed limbs, and cleared an entire hospital of sick people. These are all baseless claims that have no proof to them. YouTube allows David to operate on the platform, thus he continues to manipulate people into donating their last dollar to him so that he can live a lavish lifestyle. If you would like to help stop this cult, please help by filing fraud reports linked below. Once Davids cult has been brought down, I will move onto the next, and so on. Amen?
Email: alexstravonovich@gmail.com
Google voice-3144923356