Fun & Interesting

Tyler-S: Concert Compilations

Tyler-S: Concert Compilations

Welcome to my channel, featuring my concert compilations!

Concerts, and travelling for concerts, are some of my favourite things, and I have a fairly eclectic range of musical tastes. I am often fortunate to score great front-row spots at concerts, so while some of my videos are from further away, most of them are from great views at or near the front.

While I do take numerous video clips at concerts, I rarely record entire songs since I am more focused on being present and enjoying these shows. Instead, I edit together all of my clips into compilation videos. These are mostly for my own memories, but I am pleased to be able to share them here on YouTube, for those who enjoy watching such things.

Generally speaking, concerts between 2020 and November 2023 were recorded with an iPhone 12 Pro Max. As of Nov. 2023, recordings are made with an iPhone 15 Pro Max. Concerts prior to 2020 were recorded with older devices.