Fun & Interesting



Hi, my name is Pwint. I loved to cook in Burmese food and Chinese food. I started to cook when I was seven. I had the talent to cook after I watched it I can cook. When we were seven years old, and my parents began trained for us to cook because We had five sisters with including me. But for the three, most aged have to cook the food when we wake up and prepare food for breakfast by schedule. My parents want to use a good cook because they give birth all are girls and when we grow up if we married they want to be perfect for cooking. They said all the girls need to learn how to cook. Among all the sisters, I loved preparing food and eating, so I try to taste all the recipes and restaurants. Then I try tests to cooks. If the taste I like, some of the recipes I try to get practice consistently until it successfully. I feel like cooking is my hobby. So whatever I knew, all the best recipes I would like to share with everyone.