Fun & Interesting

T-MATT [Train Travel]

T-MATT [Train Travel]

Welcome to T-MaTT Train Travel channel!
The main videos show my railroad trip in Japan (so far). These are my travel record.

I am happy to share attractive railroad trip experience and happy that viewers enjoy watching the videos on the channel.

The stuffs for taking video and photos are not special but the quality of the videos such as images and sounds makes viewers attractive and comfortable as long as possible.

No unnecessary narration or music is basically added on the videos that show scenes on and around trains. BGMs are sometimes added though.

Videos pictured on my private travels are uploaded on this channel. Never specify the contents to any categories. Now my favorite is travel on railway so many contents are train travel, station and its related.

This channel is not for discussion on any issues such as economy, ecology, environment, politics, education, religion, etc.