Bench Jewelers Television
Discover New Tips and Techniques from a variety of Master Jewelers to Increase Your Speed and Improve the Quality of Your Work. There’s nothing like watching a Master perform his work. See how they hold their tools, how they move their hands. Watching how they work is better than reading all the words in the world!
Bench Television is produced BY Bench Jewelers FOR Bench Jewelers
We Know and Understand Your Needs and Concerns.
It takes years of dedication working at the bench to become a Master Jeweler. You need to sit at the bench and actually do the work over and over to develop and hone your skills. However, You Cannot Practice What You Don’t Know! In just a few minutes you can discover what took others years to learn. Watch over their shoulder as Master Jewelers reveal the Techniques they use to Master Their Craft. Discover the Skills, Tips, and Tricks from working jewelers who face the same difficulties at the bench you do day in and day out!