1983년 'KBS 특별생방송 이산가족을 찾습니다' 프로그램을 통해 전 국민에게 이산의 아픔을 전한 KBS가 2019년 ‘이산가족’이라는 키워드를 통해 한반도 평화의 중요성을 전 세계 ‧ 전 세대에 알릴 글로벌 디지털 라이브러리를 구축합니다.
KBS conveyed the pain of separation to the entire nation through a KBS special live broadcast program, “Finding Dispersed Families,” launched on June 30th, 1983.
KBS plans to establish a global digital library to inform all generations across the world on the importance of peace in the Korean Peninsula, through the keyword "Divided Family" in 2019
- My war story: Firsthand accounts of the war : 유명인사가 기억하는 나의 이산가족 이야기
In this program, refugee stories and the pain of separation experienced during the Korean War are discussed by well-known celebrities
-최태성의 한국전쟁 History time: Korean War 101 : Those who don't know history, come listen to the big-star teacher, Choi Taesung!
-이산가족을 찾습니다 Have you seen my divided family: Touching stories about divided families in Korea
Opening on Sep. 03, 2019!