An educational youtube channel dedicated to Neuroradiology.
My name is Sven. I'm a 40-year old Neuroradiologist from Belgium and I love teaching and I love neuroradiology. This channel combines both these passions. My teaching is philosophy is "try to keep it simple" and "I wish someone would have told me this when I was a resident". I work in a teaching hospital and I want to teach my assistants / registrars / residents as much as i can during the short time they rotate at out department. I try to do the same in these videos.
I'm always open to feedback and constructive criticism. I'm not perfect and neither are these videos. If you have any comments, questions or feedback, just let me know. If you have any requests for future videos, I'm always open to suggestions.
Hope you enjoy this channel. If you're here, it means you're passionate about Neuroradiology. I hope these videos only strenghten that passion :).
Kind regards,