We are the VHS family, an English & Dutch expat family living in Shenzhen China.
We have 2 awesome kids that were both born and raised in China, and together we create fun family travel content and Chinese food tasting content.
How we ended up in China:
10+ years ago we got the awesome opportunity to pack-up our lives in the UK and move to Hangzhou, China - a city we'd never even heard of to start a new job in Fashion.
Armed with just 2 suitcases, a head full of Oriental dreams and a love of the 1980’s, we set sail to China, without knowing if we would thrive or fail.
Fast forward a few years and not only are we still going strong, but we have started a family of our own and fell in love with The Middle Kingdom.
Welcome to Our Chinese Life!
For collab's please contact us on: ourchineselife2019@gmail.com
Original music by David W Kay
Steam our music on Spotify: