Queen Of Yemen Kitchen مطبخ ملكة اليمن
Hello everyone 👋🏻. Thank you for stopping by my channel. Things to know about me is I love cooking 🥘🍳👩🏻🍳 and all the recipes I share with you in this channel are made by me. I will be showing everyone how to make the best of Yemeni food, Middle Eastern food, and International food recipes. This channel is to help all that want to make delicious meals, that you will enjoy and be teached to make step by step. Hope you guys enjoy the recipes and learn from them and be able to make them yourselves. Don't forget to like and subscribe! And Enjoy! 👍🏻🔔
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اهلاً وسهلاً في الجميع في قناتي أنا احب الطبخ والمعجنات اليمنيه والعالميه واتفنن فيهن لهذا حبيت أن اشارككم طبخاتي ومعجناتي فمرحبا بكم في قناتي لا تنسوني من الاشتراك والمشاركة مع الأهل والاصدقاء.
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