Fun & Interesting

Kevin Makes Cool Things

Kevin Makes Cool Things

Hi, I'm Kevin.

On the last weekend of every month I post a video. You can find my designs on Thingiverse.

Currently I'm doing 3D printing videos. I like making things that have never been made before so I generally do either OC designs or props from obscure/unpopular series. In the near future I'd like to expand to other types of projects, which is why I didn't specify "3D Printing" in the channel name, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

I don't have a formal background in anything related to 3D printing or video editing. I just enjoy this stuff and try to figure it out as I go. That's why the quality of my projects and videos fluctuate wildly.

I don't have any social media for the channel yet. Maybe I'll create some if the channel gets bigger. For now, if you want to contact me I recommend messaging me on Thingiverse. (I apologize in advance for the slow response. I generally reply to messages/comments at the end of the month when I post my videos.)