Fun & Interesting

絵里ちゃんねる メーテル Maetel

絵里ちゃんねる メーテル Maetel


大勢の良識ある皆さん♪、多数のナイスセンスの皆さん♪、楽しいコメントを下さる方々♪、超多数の視聴&高評価ありがとう(^^)/ 64,000名以上の良識あるナイスセンスの皆さん、チャンネル登録ありがとうございまぁ~す (^_-)-☆


I've uploaded these videos that I've edited with my own image, mainly featuring music from my favorite nostalgic artists, and borrowed videos and images from NET.

Thank you to all the people with good sense♪, all the people with nice taste♪, all the people who left fun comments♪, and the many people who watched and liked (^^)/ Thank you to the more than 64,000 people with good sense and nice taste who subscribed to my channel (^_-)-☆

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