Fun & Interesting

あちこち旅する物語 story to travel

あちこち旅する物語 story to travel

NBOXとの車中泊旅と 新型ハイゼットカーゴの新しい車中泊旅の動画です。
誤字脱字があったり 至らない部分があるかもですが 皆様がこんな場所があったんだ!行ってみたい!と思って頂けるようなそんなチャンネルを目指し頑張ります😊
travel while staying in the car

Twitter 始めました!

It will be a video of him driving freely with his beloved N BOX, which is almost 10 years old, and staying in the car. I started without any knowledge, so I think there are some parts that are hard to see. I'm glad to have met you all on this channel! And I would like to make a delivery that I can think of.

travel while staying in the car

Twitter started!