Fun & Interesting

Rufus Read it

Rufus Read it

Welcome To Rufus Read It. We work extremely hard to make the best quality content for you. Each video takes a ton of effort time and energy to complete. It's a true labour of love but you all make it worth it. All the content in these videos are owned by us!

Our Work Process:

1. Ideation + Scripting: We research and come up with the best ideas to turn into videos, we write the scripts and refine our commentary.
2. Voice Recording: All our videos are recorded by a real human. No Ai Voice recording.
3. Gameplay: Every minute of captivating gameplay you see on the channel 100% recorded by us.
4. Audio Editing: Each video is audio engineered. We edit the pacing, flow and add audio effects to elevate viewer the experience.
5. Editing: We bring everything together here. We generate captions, sound effects and color correct to make each video unique.
6. Quality Control: Each video is meticulously fine tuned so that it holds up to our highest quality standards.