Fun & Interesting

Kate Borsato

Kate Borsato

Hey mama, I'm Kate!

I help moms and moms-to-be find joy, ease and mental wellness through their transition to motherhood. I'm a mental health therapist and educator and my practice is entirely focused on supporting women navigate what it means to become a mom. I teach about mental health in pregnancy, the postpartum phase and beyond, how your relationship changes as you become a parents, and how you can find a way to truly love your life (even when it feels really hard sometimes!).

You're in the right place if you're a mom (or mom-to-be) and you're ready to feel more ease, joy, and balance in your life. And if you've got a lot going on beside "mom"... then this is your community!

I believe that being a mom is one part of your identity, and that connecting to and expressing other parts of yourself are equally important. Be sure to subscribe to this channel for weekly videos about how to create balance, joy and mental wellness for your journey as mom!

