VN24 - 26-08-2024 (D/M/Y) - Holzwickede A1 / Germany - A rear-end collision involving three trucks occurred on the A1 freeway at around 1:00 pm. Near the village of Holzwickede, a 59-year-old semitrailer truck driver of Polish nationality driving northbound hit the end of a traffic jam and pushed the blue semitrailer truck in front of him onto the truck in front of them (not in the picture). These two drivers, aged 29 and 63, were uninjured. According to the police, the 59-year-old man suspected of causing the accident fortunately escaped with only minor injuries, although his entire cab was torn off the chassis of the tractor unit and was severely damaged. Due to the engine being displaced to the rear and the broken gearbox housing, it was not possible to remove the cardan shaft, so it was decided to pull a stub axle in order to be able to pull the truck away.
In their official statement, the police calculate the total damage to all three trucks at “at least” 20,000 euros.
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