Band: Stable
Album: Cherries
Label: Venalism
Year: 2020
Beautiful intricate acoustic melodies combined with some of the most effortless and wonderful vocal harmonies. The music of Simon & Garfunkel has truly stood the test of time, and to this day we're still unearthing hidden gems from their many years of recording music, tucked away upon the shelves of recording studios that once graced their presence.
But wait, this is 75 minutes of brutal noise music? Where's the delicateness? Where's the harmonies? Where even are the acoustic instruments? It's all a facade as Stable has played a little joke on us with the onstensible cover that acts as a complete contrast to the music embedded on the cassette. To me, it reminds me of the same sense of humour that The Gerogerigegege employed on the release of their 1989 release of 'Showa'. But of course, Cherries is a much more easy listening album in some respects, despite being a punishing noise onslaught. I think out of the many noise albums we've covered on this channel, this might genuinely be one of my top favourites so far. An exciting and exhilerating listening experience that just slowly forces you into a hypnotised state that becomes oddly relaxing in amongst an intense ferocity.
A final point, after writing up my initial thoughts on this album, I reached out to the record label Venalism to find out more about this particular release and the person behind the whole project. As a result, we have a fascinating and concise interview with the owner of Venalism, the one and only Andy Brown, who discusses with us his project, ethos and record label. Stick around 'til the end to find out more.
Cherries by Stable is available to purchase at:
Discover more music by Stable at:
Discover more releases from Venalism at:
A huge thanks to Andy Brown for taking part in today's episode of Weird Music.
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