Band: This Will Destroy You
Album: Young Mountain
Label: Magic Bullet Records
Year: 2006/2007
It's time to take a look at my younger years. I remember first discovering the post-rock genre in the very early days of YouTube funnily enough. The website had much more of a social feature going on where you could interact and message various people. A friend I made at the time sent me Explosions in the Sky's Your Hand in Mine, and I remember being completely blown away by the musical experience. From there, I went on to discover a plethora of post-rock bands, and one of my absolute top favourites was always This Will Destroy You, with special consideration to their debut album Young Mountain. This is an album that really holds a special place in my heart with its textures, dynamics and of course, emotional resonance that's embedded in the music itself. It's an album that's always held a very special place in my heart for so many years, and most likely will continue to do so.
There's a lot of flashing images in this video so do be careful. It was when making this video I discovered that This Will Destroy You have actually released Young Mountain around 50 or so times, all with different variations of the album's now iconic cover. I had no idea of this, and hence decided to use as many as I could in the production of this rather strange review.
Young Mountain is available to purchase at:
Discover more of This Will Destroy You's music at:
This video uses footage from the following live performances:
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