How Do You Measure Your Progression In Climbing? Pro Coach Louis Parkinson and I Analyse My Climbing Improvement Over 3 Years To Find Out: Have I Got Worse Or Better?
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Rock climbing rarely provides us with linear progression. It’s a sport where we measure our success with a numerical grade scale, like the V Scale. But, do climbing grades really tell us whether we're getting better at climbing?
Louis Parkinson from Catalyst Climbing and Hannah Morris share a full climbing coaching session at Yonder to unpack how to approach measuring climbing progression, looking beyond just grades to explore the key metrics that define climbing performance—strength, technique, mindset, and movement efficiency.
☞ Follow @CatalystClimbing for incredible technique and coaching.
00:00 Has My Climbing Improved?
00:50 How To Measure Climbing Improvement
01:45 Three Boulder Projects
02:05 Black V1 Volumes
02:35 Blue V2 Slab
03:05 Orange V4 Crimps
5:05 20% Off Vivobarefoot
5:20 Run and Jump Blue V5 Dynamic Boulder
9:15 What Do Climbing Grades Mean?
11:40 Pink V6 Slab
22:50 Vivobarefoot Benefits
23:50 Purple V9
24:20 Has Louis Parkinson Got Better?
26:55 Orange V5 Powerful Overhang
30:55 Why Climbing Feels Different Now
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