After the still entertaining but undeniably sillier Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, the Terminator franchise was ready for salvation. But what would be the next step? Arnold was fully engulfed in his political career; James Cameron would rather remake Piranha 2 than return; and per the usual for this franchise….no one even knows who owns the rights! This is What the F*** Happened to Terminator Salvation.
Written by: Mike Holtz
Edited by: Jamie Vasquez
Narrated by: Tyler Nichols
Produced by: John Fallon and Andrew Hatfield
Executive produced by: Berge Garabedian
SERIES SYNOPSIS: Hollywood has had its fair share of historically troubled productions. Whether it was casting changes, actor deaths, fired directors, in-production rewrites, constant delays, budget cuts or studio edits, these films had every intention to be a blockbuster but were beset with unforeseen disasters. Sometimes huge hits, sometimes box office bombs. Either way, we have to ask: What Happened To This Horror Movie?
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