"The Legend of Zelda" is a masterpiece that has left its mark in gaming history. This series, which represents Nintendo, has become a beloved work, but how did it come to be and what is the essence of “Zelda-ish"? This time, we will delve into the life of Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Zelda and current Nintendo Fellow, to uncover the true nature of "The Legend of Zelda" behind its glory.
Hi there! I'm a Japanese gamer and my name is Hineru. I don't really understand English, but I used AI to add subtitles to my videos. There are many topics about Japanese games that can only be obtained in Japanese, so I would be happy if I could share my love for games with overseas gamers. It would be great if you enjoyed my videos. Please let me know if there are any strange English translations.
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00:00 What is “Zelda-ish"? The Story of Shigeru Miyamoto
00:48 Original Experience
04:21 Early Career
05:02 The Trigger
06:36 As a game designer's origin
08:53 Being called a genius
09:49 Social phenomenon
11:49 Development history of Zelda
13:20 Inspiration
14:31 Origin of Link and Zelda
16:08 vs Mario
18:21 Overlapping troubles
19:59 The beginning of a legend
20:37 Zelda Now
21:36 What is Zelda-ish?