What does it take to convince a Social Security disability judge that the clinical depression you struggle with is truly disabling.
As you know, SSA defines “disability” in terms of how your medical or mental health condition prevents you from reliably performing even a simple, entry-level job.
In the case of depression, your symptoms must interfere with your capacity to focus and concentrate, behave in an emotionally stable manner and interact with co-workers, supervisors and the general public in a manner appropriate to a business setting.
Like all other potentially disabling conditions a diagnosis of depression is NOT enough. Your case file needs to contain on-going treatment records from a psychiatrist and a therapist (such as a psychologist or licensed counselor). Generally speaking, talk therapy with a social worker will not be enough.
As I discuss in this video, judges look for evidence of severity. Have there been recent suicide attempts? In-patient mental health hospitalizations? Medication trials that either don’t or need increasing dosages? Activity limiting medication side effects? Evidence!
Third party statements can also help: Will friends and co-worker submit statements discussing crying spells, poor personal hygiene, or episodes of inappropriate or disturbing behavior?
A high percentage of people applying for disability include depression as a disabling condition so judges will generally find mild to moderate levels of depression not to be at a disabling level. If yours is extreme and the evidence supports your assertion, your chances of winning disability benefits go up.
If you have evidence and need help, you can get a free case evaluation from my office below.
No risk. No fee. Act now.
============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at
================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://ssdAnswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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