After returning to Inazuma for a well-needed break, a certain shrine maiden is all too eager to help her favorite little fox relax...~
This is my final audio of 2024, and since my previous Miko audio was unexpectedly my most viewed audio of 2024 (and the most requested non-Venti character, too!) i decided to wrap up this year with Miko-miko-miii~ ♡ I don't have nearly as much confidence in my Yae voice/portrayal as i do with other characters, so it made me very happy to know lots of people enjoyed my last Miko audio...thank you so much! I'm still improving, so please continue to be patient with me! ^^
I've mentioned this in a few places before, but while ear-cleaning audios are pretty standard in asmr content, i don't make many myself because something about ear-cleaning sounds knocks me out in .05 seconds, making them very difficult for me to edit...! I must confess i've never actually made it to the end of any ear-cleaning audio, because i always pass out so remarkably fast ^^;;; So i may have napped several times while working on this...oops... i hope this sounds ok!
I used my binaural mic to record this one, so i apologize in advance in the balancing sounds slightly different than usual...? I did my best, and hopefully it sounds ok, but if it sounds slightly different than usual, that's why! ^^; Again, i'm still learning, please bear with me in journey to get better at this!
Writing youkai are interesting...while i tend to write immortal characters with predominantly human characteristics, youkai are more trickster-leaning in folklore with different values than humans, and this actually appears a lot with Yae's personality in-game as well~ It's kind of fun writing a character whose affection teeters the line between genuine romantic interest, and casual "your-existence-amuses-me" style thinking...i can only hope i'm doing her unique character some form of justice!
Hopefully the Miko-likers are happy with this audio...and for the Venti-likers, he'll be the first audio of 2025! ^^
Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed this~! Please leave a comment if you're enjoying my audios and if you would like more Yae Miko audios~! Oh! And follow my Twitter and/or BlueSky if you want updates on upcoming audios!
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