Embark on a 14-day expedition down the Snake River, deep within the Yukon Territory. Witness the unspoiled of the North and join two fellas on an old-school canoe journey through this remote and breathtaking landscape.
Watch as we get humbled on challenging portages, go full send on rapids, and wander through the often trail-less Yukon backcountry.
Along the way, we get up close (but not too close) and personal with grizzlies, wildfires, and waterfalls.
This is paddling in the Anthropocene - unusually warm and dry with haze from a record 2023 fire season, at times blotting out the sun. Regardless, each twist and turn along the Snake River unveils indelible memories and wonder. A journey in the boreal often transcends conventional outdoor adventuring - and this one was no exception.