淨界法師 :《佛法修學概要》
時間: 2013/06/09
地點:洛杉磯 淨土教觀學苑
【師父答疑】好,阿彌佗佛!這個問題問得非常好。這個《楞嚴經》 它是這樣講,它是從業果角度,就是我們跟眾生的傷害有命債跟肉債。我沒有殺你,但是我吃你的肉,這叫肉債。那什麼叫債呢?就是你要還的。
我希望大家看祖師大德的開示,他講的話都有道理。你看印光大師, 持戒他就很重視,除了殺盜淫妄,他就強調不吃肉。你看看印光大師他講沒幾句話就講不要吃肉,你要去體會他有道理的。因為你每天發願「願我臨終無障礙」,但是你一直給你自己增加負擔,這是互相矛盾了。
**Question:** Does the precept against killing include the consumption of meat?
**Answer:** The question is very relevant. According to the *Surangama Sutra* 《楞嚴經》, there are two kinds of debts we incur with sentient beings: life debt and meat debt. Even if you do not kill an animal yourself but consume its meat, you still owe a meat debt. The idea is that eating the flesh of an animal creates karmic ties with that being. No sentient being willingly sacrifices its life, and their distress at being killed is evident.
From a karmic perspective, if one does not seek liberation in this lifetime and is content with the cycle of rebirth, then meat consumption is not a major issue. However, if one aims for liberation, then meat consumption becomes a serious problem, as it forms karmic bonds that will hinder one's spiritual progress.
Master Yinguang (印光大師) advocated for a vegetarian diet, emphasizing the karmic consequences of meat consumption. Eating meat not only establishes karmic ties with the beings consumed but also diminishes one's compassion. Regular consumption of meat desensitizes one to the suffering of sentient beings, weakening the foundational compassion required in Mahayana Buddhism.
Losing compassion leads to severe consequences for a practitioner. Without compassion, even the most diligent practices cannot be considered true Mahayana practices. The worst outcome is not the karma from actions but the loss of one's inherent good roots. A person with intact good roots can always repent and improve, but one without good roots lacks the foundation for spiritual growth.
Therefore, if you must eat meat, it is better to do so with a sense of shame and repentance. Acknowledge your struggle with food cravings and repent both before and after eating. Dedicate prayers for the beings consumed and make vows to eventually cease meat consumption.
For those striving for liberation in this lifetime, it is crucial to avoid incurring debts with sentient beings. Excessive karmic burdens at the time of death make liberation exceedingly difficult. Following the teachings of the great masters, such as Yinguang, emphasizes the importance of maintaining precepts, including abstaining from meat.
Many non-Buddhists adopt vegetarianism for health or environmental reasons, proving that it is achievable. As practitioners, it is essential to understand the benefits of a vegetarian diet and mentally prepare oneself for this lifestyle change. Avoiding meat not only aids in spiritual practice but also benefits health and the environment.
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