@DriverD Trains #4.d - Configuring DCC-EX Wi-Fi
Welcome to Driver D trains. Thanks for stopping by! I’m your host Driver D.
Our conductor and brakeman Scratchy-C is… currently involved in a work stoppage.
In my last video, I showed you how to add a Wi-Fi shield to your DCC-EX command station, and use the WiThrottle app on your phone or tablet to run some trains. If you haven’t already seen that video, be sure to check it out!
** Adding Wi-Fi to DCC-EX - https://youtu.be/B08Qo0az-nI
In this companion video, I’ll show you how to configure DCC-EX to connect the Wi-Fi shield to your home Wi-Fi network, as well as how add an automation in DCC-EX to turn on your track power when the command station boots.
Both of these videos are part of a series on how to assemble and configure a DCC-EX Command Station to control your trains.
Videos in this series:
Part 1: #4.a - Assembling a DCC-EX Command Station — https://www.youtube.com/video/HatlU7A5S5s
Part 2: #4.b - Installing & Configuring DCC-EX — https://www.youtube.com/video/jv_xfwLZJd8
Part 3: #4.c - Adding Wi-Fi to DCC-EX — https://www.youtube.com/video/B08Qo0az-nI
Part 4: #4.d - Configuring DCC-EX Wi-Fi for Station Mode [**This video!**]
Part 5: #4.e - Adding and LCD Display to DCC-EX https://youtu.be/YmPgOU1dxrk
Part 6: #4.f – Correcting the Wi-Fi Firmware for DCC-EX [**Coming soon!**]
00:00 Welcome to Driver D trains!
02:41 Configuring DCC-EX Wi-Fi
03:48 Step 1: Connect DCC-EX to Home Wi-Fi
10:01 Step 2: Connect WiThrottle to DCC-EX
13:36 Step 3: Using AP Mode After Station Mode
15:16 Step 4: Restoring Access Point Mode
19:47 Step 5: Which Should You Choose – AP or Station Mode?
24:13 Step 6: Our First Automation
30:17 Additional WiThrottle Features
31:24 What's Next
32:18 End Credits
Products included in this video:
DCC-EX: https://www.dcc-ex.com
WiThrottle App (available on the iOS App Store): https://www.withrottle.com/
EX-WebThrottle App (Chrome browser only): https://dcc-ex.com/WebThrottle-EX/
Other DCC-EX Pages:
Wi-Fi Configuration: https://dcc-ex.com/ex-commandstation/advanced-setup/supported-wifi/wifi-config.html#gsc.tab=0
EX-Rail (Automations): https://dcc-ex.com/ex-rail/index.html
What’s next?
In the next video, I’ll show you how to add a digital LCD display to your DCC-EX command station.
All aboard!
DriverDTrains ©2023