Abandoned- A grand old 1901 built Villa. Uncovering the history and mystery to tell her story
Hey house lovers and explorers!
Ok this video we go deep in details about the 120 year history and the families that owned it which were only 2 during that period.
The first being the Fry family and the second the Robertson family.
Put on your detective hats as you will be overloaded with street directory and ancestry information that back tracks to locate family and also relevant missing homes that also once stood around this beautiful old Villa.
Twists and turns while researching provide some pretty interesting information that you will be able to watch over and over again to wrap your head around and enjoy picking up more and more clues.
And of course we take an up close and personal tour of the home to celebrate and make tribute to place that provided so many memories through lives lived and lives lost here also.
Hope you all enjoy and thanks for watching! 🙂