Multiple champion Yoto Yotov (BUL) defeated by turkish Fedail Güler and Angel Genchev's comeback "just" to compete straight from prison and back (to prison).
1. Güler Fedail (TUR, 69.52kg): 155, -160, 160 (1.) + 190, -193, -193 (2.) = 350KG
2. Yotov Yoto BUL 69.52 150.0 155.0 -157.5 4. 185.0 -190.0 190.0 3. 345KG
3. Genchev Angel BUL 69.36 155.0 -160.0 -160.0 2. 185.0 -190.0 -190.0 4. 340KG
4. Batmaz Ergun TUR 69.50 152.5 -155.0 155.0 3. -185.0 185.0 -192.5 5. 340KG
5. Feri Attila HUN 69.50 145.0 -150.0 -150.0 7. 185.0 190.0 -193.0 1. 335KG
6. Egiazaryan Aik ARM 69.76 -145.0 145.0 -150.0 10. 185.0 -193.0 -193.0 6. 330KG
7. Behm Andreas GER 69.32 140.0 145.0 147.5 6. 177.5 0.0 0.0 10. 325KG
8. Yahiaoui Abdelmanaane ALG 69.68 140.0 142.5 145.0 8. 180.0 -185.0 -185.0 9. 325KG
9. Pozyomin Vasili KAZ 69.72 145.0 150.0 -152.5 5. 175.0 -180.0 -180.0 12. 325KG
10. Aranda Quintero Idalberto CUB 69.98 135.0 140.0 142.5 13. 177.5 183.5 -187.5 7. 325KG
11. Politidis Alexandros GRE 69.80 142.5 -147.5 -147.5 12. 175.0 -180.0 -180.0 13. 317.5KG
12. Amelkin Sergei UKR 69.80 140.0 -145.0 -145.0 14. 175.0 -182.5 -182.5 14. 315KG
13. Sindarov Abdugaffor UZB 69.98 145.0 -150.0 -152.5 11. -170.0 170.0 -175.0 16. 315KG
14. McRea Timothy Lenard USA 69.30 135.0 -140.0 -140.0 17. 167.5 -172.5 172.5 15. 307.5KG
15. Acevedo Tabares Eyne COL 69.34 127.5 -132.5 132.5 19. 170.0 175.0 -177.5 11. 307.5KG
16. Ciupa Ryszard POL 69.40 132.5 135.0 137.5 15. -165.0 -165.0 165.0 17. 302.5KG
17. Lemme Gabriel ARG 69.24 130.0 135.0 -137.5 16. 162.5 -167.5 -167.5 19. 297.5KG
18. Wu Tsaifu TPE 70.00 -132.5 132.5 -135.0 20. -165.0 -165.0 165.0 18. 297.5KG
19. Lukac Rudolf SVK 69.34 125.0 -130.0 130.0 21. 157.5 162.5 -165.0 20. 292.5KG
20. Khadinatov Reuven ISR 70.00 -130.0 -130.0 130.0 22. -155.0 -160.0 162.5 22. 292.5KG
21. Scifo Mauro ITA 69.72 125.0 -130.0 -130.0 23. 155.0 160.0 162.5 21. 287.5KG
22. Blythman Craig AUS 69.92 -117.5 117.5 122.5 24. -152.5 152.5 -160.0 23. 275KG
23. Cruickshank Stewart GBR 70.00 115.0 120.0 -125.0 25. 145.0 150.0 -155.0 24. 270KG
24. Caceres Francisco ESA 68.44 105.0 110.0 115.0 26. 137.5 145.0 -152.5 25. 260KG
- Zhan Xugang CHN 69.58 -145.0 -145.0 -145.0 99. 180.0 -187.5 -187.5 8. 0KG
- Davtyan Avitik ARM 69.74 145.0 -150.0 -150.0 9. -172.5 -172.5 -172.5 99. 0KG
- Grönman Jouni FIN 69.74 -142.5 -142.5 -145.0 99. -170.0 0.0 0.0 99. 0KG
- Lukman INA 70.00 130.0 -135.0 135.0 18. -175.0 -175.0 -175.0 99. 0KG
0:00-0:17 - intro
0:17-1:14 - atheltes introduction
1:14-11:17 - snatch
11:17-25:32 - clean&jerk
25:32-25:48 - results
25:48-28:40 - bonus: snatch side angle
28:40-32:22 - bonus: clean&jerk side angle
32:22-34:45 - medal cerenomy
34:45-35:02 - outro
Thanks for watching!