Thanks very much to Arken Optics, for the opportunity to review their excellent new range-topping ZHD520R. So that’s Zulu-HD-5-20x with LRF, AND ballistic calculator (BCL). They not only welcomed me being entirely honest (presenting both pros and cons), but also invited suggestions to improve their new scopes, including the firmware.
My photo album including all pages of the user manual can be found here:
The worldwide Arken Optics website for the ZHD520R here:
The UK site to order a ZHD520R is here:
Bruce’s nine-page .PDF notes can be found here:
Ballistic co-efficients thread on the AGF, including link to the comprehensive Hard-Air website:
Bruce’s channel ( includes three videos with footage from the ZHD520R, in this daylight quarry video he demonstrates the holdover and dial-in methods:
00:49 Introduction.
1:50 Ballistic calculator fundamentals.
03:39 Bruce’s notes and the Smartphone App(s) for this scope.
06:53 Thru-scope footage with split-screen button-pushes, to guide you through using the scope menus.
08:40 Explaining the cool BCL aiming options: Holdover or Dial-in.
09:54 Zeroing.
12:20 Updating the scope with the latest firmware (including a few pitfalls to avoid).
15:02 George joins me in a local barn to checkout the scope for himself. 😊
17:10 Rounding-off.
17:53 Coming soon.
Airgun Forum HITTAC CP258 thread:
#arkenoptics, #zuluszhd520, #zuluszhd520r, #compactdayandnightscope, #highqualitydigitalscopewithlrf, #russdouglas222, #menus, #zeroing, #honestreviews, #independentreviews, #disabledreviews, #britishshootingshow, #scopesforpestcontroltwentyfourseven
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