Here in pt.2-of-2 of this Zulus accessories review I explain the difference between the 0MOA and 35MOA scope mount, and where each is best used. I show where my 30m reticle was on screen (Y+241) with the 35MOA rail on my Krait -which already has 20MOA in its raiser rail.
Then having swapped for the 0MOA mount, you see the reticle zeroed @ X=+38, Y= -7. Perfectly central.
00:15 Introduction, then explaining the 0MOA / 35MOA mounts are available for these excellent Zulus scopes.
03:33 Explaining shimming and the firmware update that enabled ‘auto-centering when zoomed’.
04:33 Me zeroed @30m with the 0MOA mount – perfectly centred.
05:00 Billy then Bruce demonstrating being zeroed (22LR) @50yards on an outdoor private rifle range, then showing how far out that calibre was using the 0MOA rail.
09:38 My summary of our results.
10:22 Explaining when the Eaglevision 108MOA rail may be ideal.
11:10 Looking forward to the British Shooting Show.
11:49 Coming soon.
Bruce’s own notes following the range session included in this video, can be found here, in his post on one of the Arken Zulus threads on the AGF:
The AGF ( thread I started with a poll, to gauge viewer’s interest in the 940nm pill option (which I’ve brought to Arken Optics’ attention, as they perhaps hadn’t appreciated how popular this option is with us hunters), is here:
STOP PRESS: Tickets for the 2024 British Shooting Show are already on sale:
#arkenopticszulus, #arkenopticszhd520r, #zulus0moaor35moa, #eaglevision, #eaglevision108moamount, #russdouglas222, #britishshootingshow #honestreviews, #independentreviews, #disabledreviews, #airgunworldmagazine, #fieldsportspress
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I DO NOT sell Airguns or shotguns / Firearms, nor do I sell accessories, parts, magazines, or ammunition.