Tyler and K.C. exchange a little hard work for the opportunity to hunt some hallowed northern Illinois ground in late October. However, what they thought was exclusive access, turned out to be the stomping grounds of some local (and not too happy) hunters. In an attempt to be respectful of other outdoorsman, the fellas find a way to work with what they have and somehow still end up on some big bucks.
Presented by @VortexOpticsUSA
Follow K.C. and Tyler here: https://www.instagram.com/theelementwild/
Check out The Element Podcast here: https://www.themeateater.com/listen/the-element
Check out @TheElementWild YouTube page for more from Tyler and K.C.
Check out the gear the MeatEater Crew uses in the field here: https://store.themeateater.com
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