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キャロットケーキの作り方 by 辻口シェフ / Perfect Carrot Cake recipe in Japanese style

Food Master Japan 24,659 lượt xem 3 years ago
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Full of spice, the perfect recipe for carrot cake!
Kids who don't like carrots, adults who love the nostalgic retro taste.

Although there are many ingredients, carrot cake is easy to make and bake.
Why not try carrot cake after a long time?

Home Cooking with Pastry Chef Hiroshi Tsujiguchi who won 3 times world champion.
In Home Cooking, you will learn not only recipes for sweets, but also the best carrot cake recipe by Japanese top pastry chef. Please try to make it!

【Visit the Masters – Ishikawa Prefecture 】
We travels around Japan to introduce the local food, culture, and traditional crafts.
During the spring and summer of 2021, we traveled to Ishikawa Prefecture to shoot the top of masters there.

We used carrots from "NOTO TAKA FARM" in Notojima, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Many Michelin starred restaurants and first-class hotels have fallen in love with this farm. However, due to the effects of the Corona disaster, they are now selling their products by mail order to the general public.


★ Ingredients

*Carrot Cake
200g carrots
100g Cake flour
27g Almond powder
75g Butter
20g Eggs
75g Cane sugar
3g Baking powder
3g Cinnamon (powder)
A pinch of nutmeg 
A pinch of coriander
50g Walnuts, baked at 160°C for 10-12 minutes
50g Raisins
A pinch of orange zest

Cheese frosting
Cream cheese, to taste
Butter, to taste
Granulated sugar, to taste

★How to make
Sift together all the flours.
Put the pound with baking paper.
Preheat the oven to 160°C.
Make the orange zest.
Bring the cream cheese and butter for the cheese frosting to room temperature.

(1) Peel the carrots, wrap them in plastic wrap and microwave for about 4 minutes.
(2) Put the butter in a bowl and knead until smooth. Add the granulated sugar and mix with a whisk until white.
(3) Add the eggs in two or three additions and mix until blended with the butter.
(4) Add the carrots and orange zest and mix. 5.
(5) Add the walnuts and raisins and mix until the mixture is no longer powdery.
(6) Pour the batter into a paper-lined pound mold, gently drop the mold onto a baking sheet and let it air dry.
(7) Bake in the oven at 160°C for about 45 minutes.
(8) Remove from the mold, remove the paper, and place on a cake cooler.

*Cheese Frosting
(9) Combine room temperature cream cheese and butter. 2.
(10) Add sugar to the mixture and mix further.

*Finish the cake.
Spread the cheese frosting on the top of the carrot cake batter and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Carrots and spices go well together! 🥕



石川県 能登島にある "NOTO高農園" の人参を使いました。


【パティシエ 辻口博啓のホームクッキング】

【日本の食文化 – 石川編】

00:00 オープニング/Opening
00:23 キャラメル作り / Caramel
01:49 プリン作り/ Pudding Dough
06:04 試食/Tasting



にんじん 200g
薄力粉 100g
アーモンドパウダー 27g
バター 75g
卵 20g
きび糖 75g
ベーキングパウダー 3g
シナモン(粉末) 少々
ナツメグ 少々 
コリアンダー 少々
くるみ 50g(160℃ 10-12分 焼く)
レーズン 50g
オレンジゼスト 少々

クリームチーズ 適量
バター 適量
グラニュー糖 適量


1. にんじんの皮をむき、ラップして電子レンジ約4分間かける、レンジで温めたにんじんを粗く切り(熱いうちに)、ペースト状になるまでフードプロセッサーにかけ冷ます。
2. ボウルにバターを入れてなめらかになるまで練る。グラニュー糖を加え、泡立て器で白っぽくなるまで混ぜる
3. 卵を2~3回にわけて加え、バターとなじむまでまぜる
4. 1のにんじんとオレンジゼストを加えまぜる
5. 粉類を加えて粉っぽさが少し残るくらいにまぜたら、くるみとレーズンを加え、粉っぽさがなくなるまでまぜる
6. 型紙を敷いたパウンド型に生地を流し入れたら、パウンド型を台に軽く落とし空気を抜き、
7. 型から取り出し、粗熱が取れたら、紙をはがしてケーキクーラーにのせさます

1. 常温に戻したクリームチーズとバターを合わせる
2. 合わせたら砂糖を加えさらに混ぜる



#Visit the Masters #FoodMasterJapan #フードマスタージャパン #石川県

ジョブチューン スイーツ master chef 喫茶店 にんじんケーキ
