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Cerebral Cortex (Function, Covering, Lobes, Sulcus, Gyrus, Fissures) | Anatomy

Taim Talks Med 241,608 lượt xem 3 years ago
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0:00 Introduction
2:19 Functions of the Cerebral Cortex
4:25 Surfaces and Fissures of the Brain
5:06 Dural Septa
8:49 Lobes of the Cerebral Hemispheres
9:59 Frontal Lobe (Lateral)
12:20 Parietal Lobe (Lateral)
13:47 Temporal Lobe (Lateral)
15:32 Lobes and Gyri on Medial Surface
20:13 Lobes and Gyri on Inferior Surface
20:53 Insular Lobe

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Telencephalon Anatomy
- Pallium
○ Cerebral Cortex
○ White Matter of the Brain (Corpus Medullare Telencephali)
- Subpallium
○ Basal Ganglion

Functions of the Cerebral Cortex
- Thickness of 1.5-5mm
- Layers of the Cerebral Cortex
○ Molecular Layer
○ External Granular Layer
○ External Pyramidal Layer
○ Internal Granular Layer
○ Internal Pyramidal Layer
○ Multiform Layer
- Sensory Areas
○ Primary Somatosensory Cortex
○ Primary Visual Cortex
○ Primary Auditory Cortex
- Motor Cortex
○ Primary Motor Cortex
- Association Areas

Surfaces of the Cerebrum Hemispheres
- Medial Surface (Facies Medialis)
- Superiolateral Surface (Facies SUperolateralis)
- Inferior Surface (Facies Inferior)

Fissures of the Cerebral Hemispheres:
- Longitudinal Fissure (Fissura Longitudinalis Cerebri)
- Transverse Fissure (Fissura Transversa Cerebri)

Dural Septa:
- Double layer of meningeal layer
- Falx Cerebri in the Longitudinal Fissure
- Tentorium Cerebelli in the Transverse Fissure of the brain
- Falx Cerebelli

Lobes of the Cerebral Hemispheres:
- Frontal Lobe (Lobus Frontalis)
- Parietal Lobe (Lobus Parietalis)
- Temporal Lobe (Lobus Temporalis)
- Occipital Lobe (Lobus Occipitalis)
- Insular Lobe (Lobus Insularis)

Main Sulci:
- Lateral Sulcus (Sylvius) (Sulcus Lateralis)
- Central Sulcus (Rolando) (Sulcus Centralis)
- Parietooccipital Sulcus (Sulcus Parietooccipitalis)

Frontal Lobe:
- Precentral Sulcus (Sulcus Precentalis)
- Superior Frontal Sulcus (Sulcus Frontalis Superior)
- Inferior Forntal Sulcus (Sulcus Frontalis Inferions)
- Precentral Gyrus (Gyrus Precentralis)
○ Primary Motor Cortex
○ Motor Homunculus
○ Corticospinal Tract
○ Corticonuclear Tract (Corticobulbar tract)
- Superior Frontal Gyris (Gyrius Frontalis Superior)
- Middle Forntal Gyris (Gyris Forntalis MEdius)
- Inferior Frontal Gyrus (Gyrus Frontalis Inferior)
○ Brochas Area (Motor Speech Center)

Parietal Lobe
- Postcentral Sulcus (Sulcus Postcentralis)
- Intraparietal Sulcus (Sulcus Intraparietalis)
- Postcentral Gyrus (Gyrus Postcentralis)
○ Primary Somatosensory Cortex
○ Sensory Homunculus
- Superior Parietal Lobule (Lobulus Parietalis Superior)
- Inferior Parietal Lobule (Lobulus Parietalis Inferior)
○ Supramarginal Gyrus
○ Angular Gyrus

Temporal Lobe
- Superior Temporal Sulcus (Sulcus Temporalis Superior)
- Inferior Temporal Sulcus (Sucus Temproalis Inferior)
- Superior Temporal Gyrus (Gyrus Temporalis Superior)
○ Primary Auditory Cortex:
○ Auditory Pathway:
○ Cochlear Nerve
○ Cochlear Nuclei
○ Lateral Lemniscus
○ Inferior Colliculi
○ Brachium of the Inferior Colliculi (Brachium Colliculi Inferior)
○ Medial Geniculate Body
○ Primary Auditory Cortex (Superior Temporal Gyrus)
○ Wernicke's Area
○ Receptive Aphasia
- Middle Temporal Gyrus (Gyrus Temporalis Medius)
- Inferior Temporal Gyrus (Gyrus Temporalis Inferior)

Medial Surface:
- Cingulate Sulcus (Sulcus Cinguli)
- Subparietal Sulcus (Sulcus Subparietalis)
- Cingular Gyrus (Gyrus Cinguli)
- Paracentral Sulcus (Sulcus Paracentralis)
- Marginal Sulcus (Sulcus Marginalis)
- Superior Frontal Gyrus
- Paracentral Gyrus (Gyrus Pracentralis)
- Precuneus
- Parietooccipital Sulcus
- Occipital Lobe
○ Cuneus
○ Visual Pathway:
○ Receptors of Optic Nerve
○ Optic Chiasm
○ Lateral Geniculate Body (Metathalamus)
○ Primary Visual Cortex
○ Brachium of the Superior Colliculi (Brachium Colliculi superior)
○ Inferior Colliculi
○ Lateral Occipitotemporal Gyrus / Fusiform Gyrus (Gyrus Occipitotemporalis Inferior)
○ Medial Occipitotemporal Gyrus / Lingual Gyrus (Gyrus Occipitotemporalis Superior)
- Calcarine Sulcus (Sulcus Calcarinus)
- Collateral Sulcus (Occipitotemporal Sulcus)
- Occipitotemporal Sulcus (Sulcus Occipitotemporalis)
- Parahippocampal Gyrus (Gyrus Parahippocampalis)
- Inferior Temporal Gyrus
- Sulcus of Corpus Callosum (Sulcus Corporis Callosi)
- Corpus Callosum
- Hippocampal Sulcus (Sulcus Hippocampi)
- Dentate Gyrus (Gyrus Dentatus)
- Uncus
- Isthmus of Cinulate Gyrus (Isthmus Gyri Cinguli)

Inferior Lobes and Gyri
- Olfactory Sulcus (Sulcus Olfactorius)
- Gyrus Rectus (part of prefrontal cortex)
- Orbital Frontal Gyri (Gyri Orbitales) (Part of prefrontal Cortex)
○ Orbital Frontal Sulci (Sulci Orbitales)

Insular Lobe (Lobus Insularis)
- Short Gyri of Insulae (Gyri Breves Insulae)
- Long Gyrus of Insulae (Gyris Lobus Insulae)
- Taste Sensation (Gustation Cortex)
- Visceral Sensation
- Vestibular Cortex
