ХАЧАПУРИ ПО-АДЖАРСКИ грузинские лепешки с сыром Быстро и очень вкусно Люда Изи Кук cheese flatbread
CHEESE FLATBREAD RECIPE Khachapuri (Georgian Flatbread)
The water is warm (about 38 degrees) .......... 280 ml
Dry yeast …………. 7 g
Sugar ............ 10 g
Salt …………. 6 g
Flour .......... 400 g
Vegetable oil ………… 35-40 g
Suluguni cheese (mozzarella) …………… 300 g
Cottage cheese ……………… .. 150 g
Flour ………… .. 1 tbsp.
Milk .......... 25-30 ml
Egg yolks ………… 3 pcs.
Unsalted butter ………. 60 g
Bake at 230° C for 10-14 minutes and bake with egg yolk for 1-2 minutes