We are buttoning up our series in Colossians. Its been a tremendous study.
Pastor Kirk Shull of Art City Church in Springville Utah joins Corry and Heather, to sum up the book. And if you think the names section of a letter is boring and irrelevant to us, please think again!
Some observations to consider as we walk through this discussion:
- It is evident that the Colossian were praying people and Paul encourages them to stay that way.
- Paul was not afraid to ask for prayer as an apostle. And our pastors shouldn't be afraid to ask for prayer either.
- Walking in wisdom is a command. You get that wisdom not from the world but from God.
- It is a blessed thing to have faithful brothers and sisters serving alongside.
- Onesimus was redeemed by Jesus, redeemed by Paul perhaps, and then used by God in ministry. What a story!
- The entire final greetings section is bulging with mention of Paul's dream team!
And perhaps some questions you want answered may include...
What does it mean to walk in wisdom toward outsiders?
How does that connect with making the best use of time?
How does it connect with gracious communication?
We pray that you enjoyed this series as much as we did!
Truthpoint Apologetics https://truthpointapologetics.org
Got Questions https://www.gotquestions.org/Book-of-Colossians.html
Insight for Living Survey of Colossians https://www.insight.org/resources/bible/the-pauline-epistles/colossians