안녕하세요 정말 오랜만의 수영 영상이예요.
만삭의 몸으로 충주 수영장에 다녀온 브이로그가 제 채널의 마지막 영상이였는데요.
그 이후로 활동을 하지 않았음에도 감사하게도 꾸준히 구독을 해주셔서 ,, 이대로 채널을 둘 순 없다! 싶어
다시 시작하게되었습니다.
ST 는 swimming tips 의 약자예요.
오늘 첫 영상으로 시작해서 수영의 백과사전처럼 궁금한것을 검색하면 나올 수 있게 작은것부터 큰것까지 알려드려볼 예정입니다.
너무 오래쉬어서 하고싶은말이 정말 많은데 그건 이후에 근황토크로 담아보도록 할게요.
마지막으로, 이번 참사 유가족분들께 깊은 애도를 표합니다.
Hello, it’s been a really long time since my last swimming video.
My last video on this channel was a vlog about visiting the Chungju swimming pool while heavily pregnant. Although I haven’t been active since then, I’m grateful that you’ve continued to subscribe. Feeling that I couldn’t leave the channel as it was, I decided to start again.
ST stands for “Swimming Tips.”
Starting with today’s first video, I plan to cover everything from small to big topics, aiming to become like an encyclopedia of swimming where you can find answers to your questions through search.
I have so much to say after such a long break, but I’ll save that for a future update video where I’ll talk about what’s been going on.
Lastly, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this recent tragedy.
Edit : FNCX
Camera : gopro13 , iphone14 pro
Swimwear : PLONGER
Swimcap : Just for me
Goggle : view
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