In the heart of the cold and merciless mountains, Farzaneh, a woman with an iron will, stands up to the challenges of life. Not only does she have to fight the savage cave dwellers who live in the dark shadows of the mountains, but she also has the responsibility of protecting her two little daughters and two mountain children. But now, a relentless rainstorm has turned her cave hut into another battlefield. Water has slowly but ruthlessly seeped into the hut and, in the darkness of the night, has occupied half of her safe space. The fireplace that once brought warmth and hope has now become a pile of dirt and burnt wood.
In these difficult moments, Farzaneh's eyes fill with tears and her heart beats for the children. She knows that the cold can take the lives of the little ones, and this thought pierces her heart like a dagger. In the meantime, the operator, like a light in the darkness, encourages her and reminds her that her courage can work miracles. Farzaneh remembers with all her heart that she must fight for the children. With trembling but determined hands, she collects firewood, and a flame of hope lights up in her heart.
Farzaneh’s courage is like a star in the night, shining and inspiring. In this battle, she fights not only for her own survival and that of her children, but also to show the power of women and hope in the heart of darkness. Her story is a story of love, sacrifice, and a will that can move mountains. This story is the story of every mother who stands up to hardship and bravely builds a life for her future.