Hello Everyone,
Today Lawrie is heading off to the Telford Steam Railway to visit an engine that he crewed lonig before he started LMM!
This video is sponsored by our friends over on the Foxfield Railway - for more information and to purchase on of their gift certificates click here: https://tinyurl.com/4exv6h24
If you want to sign up for the newsletter click here: https://tinyurl.com/547bbrsd
If you want to support 5619's future support the appeal here: https://www.telfordsteamrailway.co.uk/facilites-927073.html.
If you want more information of the Telford Railway, events that are coming up or how to get involved then visit their Website here:
A huge thank you to the guys at the railway for inviting us to come and have a go with the Centurion Locomotive.
A video featuring:
Lawrie - Presenter, overjoyed to be back with an old friend,
Ben - Cameraman, shooting everything
Joshua - Cameraman, helping hands from the railway
A rough edit by Dave
Edit by Lawrie
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