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GBO2 Zaku III Custom: 10000 damage self explosions?!

Avenger1_ GBO2 11,836 lượt xem 1 year ago
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This video contains two matches I had with the recently buffed Zaku III Custom on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 650-700 cost raid with two instant stuns, good stun accumulation, high mobility, great stun resistance , a powerful heavy attack and a 10000 damage explosion that triggers upon the suit being destroyed. Its weaknesses would be lack of a dodge roll, being large, an awkward standard melee pattern and a somewhat awkward to use heavy attack. I think that the buffs to this suit were pretty damn good. Damage Control LV2 finally makes it hard to stop when boosting, waist beam swap time makes it much easier to play as a normal raid rather than a heavy spammer and the saber cooldown makes it easier to hit follow-up attacks. The bulk buffs to LV2 were also quite nice. I think it is a pretty solid option now, so I hope you enjoy watching!

Its primary weapon at LV2 has 2625 power, 6 ammo, 4.5 seconds cooldown, 18 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap time, 405m range and 50% stagger value. This has good power, fast cooldown and solid accumulation which makes it overall quite strong. The low cooldown is especially good for close quarters fighting.
Its primary melee is a beam saber with 3150 power, 2 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time, 60%/36% combo modifier, 180%x2 heavy attack modifier and 2.5 seconds heavy attack focus time. The attacks on this saber are pretty narrow and precise, which has its advantages but also makes it awkward to hit at times. The combo modifier isn't great but the range on the swings is nice.
Its first sub weapon is a head vulcan with 94 power, 60 ammo, 600 RPM, 6 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time, 200m range, 940 DPS and 6% stagger value. This has solid DPS, high stagger accumulation and good range. This is easy to finish off enemies with or to stun them with.
Its second sub weapon is a waist beam launcher with 1890x2 power, 95% heat, 7 seconds cooldown, 18 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time, 300m range and 5%x2 stagger value. The heat rate is high, it stops to fire and also has low stagger value. Though it instantly staggers and has very high power. You can use this with your beam rifle for two stuns in a row or after a downswing for damage output.
Its third sub weapon is a mine dispenser with 630 power, 8 ammo, 250 RPM, 30 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap time, 50m range and 15% stagger value. These can be fired while boosting and launch slow floating mines in front of you that explode after having travelled 50m, touching an object or touching an enemy. They instantly stagger but won't really stop a boosting target unless many of them hit. Decent defensive option but nothing crazy.

At LV2 the Zaku III Custom has 24000 HP, 28 ballistic/beam resist and 32 melee resist. This is pretty darn bulky, especially once you consider that it has a 25% reduction leg buffer along with a 30% buffer for both the back and right shoulder. These are downgraded to LV1 legs and LV2 for back/right shoulder at 650 cost. It lacks a dodge roll, but instead has the combination of LV3 MA and LV2 Damage Control. This makes you quite hard to stop, but at 650 cost it has LV2 MA rather than LV3. 229% stagger value is needed to bust through LV2 DC+LV3 MA.
It also has 145 hover speed, 235 boost speed, 80 thrust and 78 turning speed. This is really amazing mobility, some of the best at 650 cost though the NT-D mode Banshee, Zaku IV IP, Biosensor mode EZZ and Sinanju Stein are all a little bit faster for 700 cost. It has LV2 Forced Injector and LV2 Flight Control for both costs.
It has a unique skill called Biosensor (M). This activates at 30% HP and grants resistance to ranged instant staggers, causes you to take -40% damage from shooting attacks, boosts melee mod by +5 and causes the suit to explode upon being destroyed. This explosion has a larger radius than regular suit explosions and also causes 10000 damage guaranteed if they are hit. This makes trying to finish off a Zaku III Custom in melee quite risky, and allows you to get some cheeky kills or hits in against reckless enemies.

Overall I think that the Zaku III Custom is pretty solid now. It isn't just a heavy attack bot now that its standard kit is more up to par now. I don't think it is top tier or even high tier, but it should be a solid option if you want a hard to stop raid with a good kit for close quarters fighting. The self explosion ability isn't that useful against enemies that are already aware of it either. I think that for a sort of similar playstyle that the Gundam MKV is stronger if you don't want heavy attacks and Jesta Shezarr Team A is stronger if you want to focus on flanking with heavy attacks. So Zaku III Custom sort of exists in the middle of these two, if you want a bit of both. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Music used:

No More Heroes 2, Psycho Soldier

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing Is Possible
