تو سفرم به کردستان غذاهای جدید و جالبی رو تجربه کردم که مرغ کبابی هم یکی از اونها بود.
در این روش پخت، مرغ به صورت کامل آماده و روی آتیش پخته میشه!
این غذا رو در شهر مریوان امتحان کردم که اینجا بهش میگن مرصاق...
برای تهیه کردنش؛
*مرغ رو از قسمت سینه باز میکنن، پاک میکنن، میشورن و چربی و پوست اضافه رو برمیدارن.
*از پایین سینه (کنار ران) شروع میکنن و مرغ رو نازک نازک برش میزنن تا از ضخامتش کم بشه و خوب بپزه.
*برش زدنش که تموم شد، میذارن داخل توری و میبرنش روی آتیش!
*برای این کار، بهتره ذغالها ریز و یکدست انتخاب بشن تا مرغ به صورت یکنواخت کباب بشه.
*به دو طرف مرغ، نمک، فلفل و زردچوبه میزنن و زمان میدن تا آروم بپزه. (تقریباً ۴۰ دقیقه)
*گوشت مرغ رو سیخ میزنن تا قدرت جذبش بره بالا؛ بعد آب پیاز رو کامل روی سطحش میریزن.
*به هر دو سمت روغن زیتون اضافه میکنن و روی حرارت تند نگه میدارن.
*وقتی کار کباب کردنش تموم شد، آب لیمو رو میریزن و میارنش داخل ظرف.
*داخل ظرف دوباره کمی آب لیمو میخوره و تمام!
راجع به طعمش باید بگم که فوقالعاده بود، حتی خیلی بیشتر از چیزی که انتظار داشتم! تمام قسمتها بطور یکنواخت پخته شده بود، بوی زهم نداشت. طعم و عطر پیاز و لیمو به خوردِ بافت گوشت رفته بود و ...
جاتون خالی...!
We drove to Kurdistan for about 8-9 hours to try its special foods
We are in Mariwan where has a tasty and popular grilled chicken; We're going to see how they make it
!I think it's different from any other chickens that you have tried until now
This food is called "Mersagh" that means a whole chicken
We cut the breast of a whole chicken in half to butterfly it
It should be rinsed and all the excess skins should be removed entirely
We split the chicken breast horizontally to grill it evenly
We do this step to make a thin layer; The thickness of this breast isn't comparable to the other half
We separate the chicken wings, but not entirely
We take both thighs and breast at the same time to place it on a grill basket
We place the skin-side down on the charcoal grill
Then we add some salt
We increase the height at which we hold the shaker to sprinkle salt evenly
Maybe some people say that we sprinkle too much salt; But actually, it isn't too salty
Because the onion juice and other ingredients remove the excess salt
I've sprinkled it with salt
Then we season it with the mixture of pepper and turmeric
It should be flipped over now; We sprinkle the other side with the same ingredients
If the smaller coals are used, it will be grilled evenly
?Do you mean the height above the brazier
Initially we light the coals by using a hand fan, then we leave it to grill
It's so important to grill it on a low heat to avoid it from burning and drying out
This grilled chicken needs 40 minutes to grill
While grilling, we drizzle it with onion juice, olive oil, lemon juice for 2 times
?Does it need 40 minutes to grill
?Do you grill each side for 20 minutes
Yes, we grill each side for about 20 minutes
Actually no, we grill one side for about 25 minutes and the other side for about 15 minutes
Because its water evaporates during grilling the backside
It's time to poke some holes in the surface with a skewer to allow the onion juice to penetrate
This chicken lost the water during grilling, so it will absorb any juice
We drizzle it with onion juice
The onion juice removes the fetid smell of the chicken and balances its cold nature
It's better to use a piece of sour berry branch to poke the holes
The onion juice shouldn't be added while grilling it on the fire because it puts out the fire
The onion juice should be drizzled evenly
You should grill it finely as if you're grilling for your lover
We put it on the brazier again to absorb the onion juice
We displace the coals occasionally to avoid them from putting out
We blow the coals slowly to keep it from burning and drying out
It has been grilled thoroughly; We add the olive oil to the grilled chicken
Olive oil makes it tastier and tender
We blow the coals quickly to make a high heat after adding the olive oil
We grill it over the high heat for about 1-2 minutes; It's similar to pan frying
We drizzle the other side with olive oil
We flip it over to grill both sides of the chicken
!The higher heat, the better grilled chicken
We drizzle both sides of the grilled chicken with the lemon juice
We add the lemon juice during grilling over the high heat
We put a plate on it
Then we flip it over like this
We drizzle it with lemon juice again
...After drizzling both sides of the chicken with lemon juice, we eat it
!It's so delicious with no marinade; I can't believe it
مستند کوتاه، نان کوردی!:
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